New Year's
1 - January 1 is the first official day of the year in the what calendar used by most countries. 2 - The Lunar New Year, also known as what, occurs every year on the new moon of the first lunar month? (February 14, 2010) 3 - Celebrated for 15 days, what is called the Tibetan New Year and falls between January and March. 4 - What will happen in Times Square for the 104rd time 1/1/2012? 5 - What does Auld Lang Syne mean? 6 - In what southwestern state is a pine cone dropped on New Year's eve? 7 - What northwest coast city is a countdown done with an elevator? 8 - What is used to signify a new year that began in Greece around 600 BC? 9 - What is also known as the Jewish New Year? 10 - What New Year's gift did ancient Persians give which symobolized productiveness? Here is a series of people's famous last words. I'll give you the phrase and the context. This was noted as the last thing these people said before they died.
1 - PHRASE: "Please don't leave me. Please don't leave me" CONTEXT: Said to a prostitute as she left his hotel room following a weekend-long drug and sex binge. 2 - "You can kiss my ass!" Those were the serial killer's last words before being executed by lethal injection. 3 - "Love one another." Said to his family on his death bed while dying from cancer, November 29, 2001 4 - "That picture is awful dusty." Referring to a picture on the wall in his house 5 - (when asked if he knew what day it was) "oh, yes; it is the glorious Fourth of July. It is a great day. It is a good day. God bless it. God bless you all. [He then lapsed into unconsciousness. He awakened later, and mumbled] Thomas Jefferson..." 6 - "Is everyone else alright?" whispered to his wife directly after he was shot and seconds before he fell into a coma. Died the next day. 7 - "Money can't buy life." Said to his son on May 11, 1981 just before he died of the spread of melanoma to his lungs and brain 8 - "Aw, there ain't going to be anybody shooting at me, you're just being melodramatic." Just moments before this assassin was assassinated 9 - "Okay, I won't." Those were his last words to fiancé Ginger Alden. She had told him, when he was on the way to the bathroom, "Don't fall asleep in there." 10 - "Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Linus, can I ever forget them..." From the final Peanuts comic strip released on February 13, 2000 (one day after his death) CLICK HERE FOR ANSWERS! Missed Movie Roles
1 - What current hollywood hunk was intended to play the role of Tommy Williams in The Shawshank Redemption? 2 - What English musician, singer, songwriter wanted to play Dr Fank N Furter in The Rocky Horror Picture Show ? 3 - This rapper-turned-actor auditioned for the role of Bubba in Forrest Gump before his still unsolved death ? 4 - Tim Burton wanted this member of the original Rat Pack to play the title character in Beetlejuice? 5 - Who was hired and fired and replaced with Michael J Fox to play Mary McFly in Back to the Future ? 6 - Hired for the original A Nightmare on Elm Street by simply escorting a friend that wanted to audition, this hollywood pretty boy turned down the role of Lestat in Interview with the Vampire ? 7 - Who was originally "the interviewer" in Interview with the Vampire who was replaced with Christian Slater after his sudden loss of life? 8 - What martial arts expert turned down the role of John Kreese in The Karate Kid because of the negative image it portrayed in martial arts teaching ? 9 - Who was originally cast as Shrek and even recorded the dialogue before he passed away ? 10 - Who was passed over for the role of the terminator because producers feared he "wouldn't be taken seriously as a killer"? Name the film....and indicate if it stars Bill Paxton OR Bill Pullman.
Click on comments below to answer simple....who is taller? NOTE: there is ONE choice below where they are the SAME height.
click on comments below to answer 1 - Matt Damon OR Mark Wahlberg 2 - Russell Crowe OR Mel Gibson 3 - Craig T Nelson OR Ed O'Neill 4 - Bill Murray OR Jack Nicholson 5 - John Cleese OR John Lithgow 6 - Jet Li OR Jackie Chan 7 - Clint Eastwood OR John Wayne 8 - Mike Myers OR Dana Carvey OR David Spade 9 - Helen Hunt OR Jodie Foster 10 - Gary Busey OR Nick Nolte What game show set is this? Obviously, the name of the show has been 'shopped out.
Click on comments below to answer. These are all famous one-eyed people. Well, you might not know they were cyclops....but you should at least know who they were.
1 Member of the rat pack lost his left eye in an auto accident in 1954. 2 After the mother was killed off, she joined the cast of the Hogan Family as the aunt. She had one eye disabled following removal of brain tumor. 3 Best known for his role as Lieutenant Columbo, he lost his right eye at age three as a result of a tumor 4 American rapper, member of the Geto Boys, lost an eye during an argument with a girlfriend 5 This guitar inovator along with Les Paul are often cited as the two most influential figures in the development of electric instruments. He lost an eye in a childhood accident with a farm cart. 6 This former president was blinded in left eye in White House boxing match 7 This Baseball Hall of Famer's baseball career ended when he lost the sight in his right eye due to glaucoma 8 This actor famous for his role as Dr Doolittle was blind in one eye as the result of a childhood illness. 9 This Carthaginian military commander and tactician who is popularly credited as one of the most talented commanders in history lost one of his eyes during the crossing of the Apennines. 10 compiler of the first English dictionary, blind in one eye from childhood CLICK HERE FOR ANSWERS |
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January 2013